TM 9-2350-261-346. Remove two locknuts (1), four washers (2),two screws (3), and clamps (4) from cablesW101 (5) and W102 (6). Discard locknuts.11.12.7. Remove and discard straps (7) as required.8. Disconnect cable W101, (5) from data panelassembly A12, jack J1 (8), remove fromvehicle.13.9. Disconnect cable W102, (6) from data panelassembly A12, jack J4 (9), remove fromvehicle.INSTALL10. Install cable W101, jack J103 (5) and/orW102 jack J104 (6) in vehicle and routethrough hole in hull top plate (10) up intobase of external communications box A11(11). Have helper assist.14.15,16.Connect cable W101, (5) on data panelassembly A12, jack J1 (8).Connect cable W102, (6) on data panelassembly A12, jack J4 (9).Connect cable W101, jack J103 (5) withinside bushing (12), on faceplate LAN A(13) secure with outside bushing (14) andjamnut (15).Connect cable W102, jack J104 (6) withinside bushing (12), on faceplate LAN B(16) secure with outside bushing (14) andjamnut (15).Secure cable W101 (5) and/or W102 (6) tohull with two clamps (4), screws (3), fourwashers (2), and two new locknuts (1).Secure slack in cable with new straps (7) asrequired.17. Install faceplate (17) on externalcommunications box A11 (11), secure withfourteen new lockwashers (18), and screws(19).FOLLOW-THROUGH STEPS1. Connect battery ground strap (see your -20).3. Turn MASTER SWITCH OFF (see your -10).2. Turn MASTER SWlTCH ON (see your -10).Check that electrical system works properly.END OF TASKChange 421.1-57
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