TM 9-2350-261-34 N O T EMain wiring harness is on ceiling aboveinstrument panel.33. Connect circuit 22 lead of carrier mainwiring harness (1) to circuit 22-461 lead ofnew wiring harness (2).34. Install wiring harness grommet (3) in9/16 inch (14 mm) diameter hole in powerplant side panel.35. Thread circuit 460 lead of harness (2)through grommet (3). circuit 22 lead of harness (2) tocircuit 22 lead from light selector switch (4).Route circuit 461 lead along carrier mainharness (1) to stuffing tube (5) at left frontof earner.Route new wiring harness (6) along carriermain harness (1) to center rear of carrierand to upper right tail light.Secure wiring harnesses (2 and 6) to carriermain harness (1) with one new strap (7)next to each existing harness clamp.Connect circuit 22-460 lead of harnesses(2 and 6) on ceiling above instrument panel.21-6
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