TM 9-2350-261-20-2
25. Install new grommet (1) and circuit 10, 14,
15, 27E lead (2) in distribution box (3). In-
stall circuit 10, 14, 15, 27E lead (2) and
circuit 450A lead (4) on bus bar (5). Secure
with new lockwasher (6) and screw (7).
26. Install two new grommets (8 and 9), circuit
49 lead (10), and circuit 6 lead (11) in dis-
tribution box (3). Install circuit 49 lead (10)
and circuit 6 lead (11) on bus bar (5), Se-
cure with new Iockwasher (12) and
screw (13).
27. Install new grommet (14) and circuit 415
lead (15) in distribution box (3), Install cir-
cuit 415 lead (15) on bus bar (5). Secure
with new lockwasher (16) and screw (17).
28. Apply one coat of adhesive to cleaned
mounting surface of distribution box (18)
and one side of new gasket (19).
29. Install new gasket (19) on coated mounting
surface of distribution box (18).
1. Install master switch panel (page 9-22),
3. Start engine (see your 10). Check that
distribution box works properly.
2. Connect battery ground lead (page 13-2).
4. Stop engine (see your -10).