TM 9-2350-261-34R E P A I R F U E L T A N K ( M 5 7 7 A 2 A N D M 1 0 6 8 O N L Y)IDESCRIPTIONThis task covers:Clean (page 4-14).Repair (page 4-15).INITIAL SETUPT o o kMetal Worker’s Tool Kit (Item 61, App B)Trailer-Mounted Welding Shop(Item 96, App B)Materials/Parts:Sealing compound (Item 73, App C)wiping rag (Item 86, App CPersonnel Required:Metal Worker 44B10References:See your -10See your -20TM 9-237Equipment ConditionsFuel tank removed from carrier (see your -20)Fuel tank access cover removed (see your -20)Fuel quantity sending unit removed(see your -20)C L E A N1.W A R N I NGFuel fumes can explode andburn you. Before weding:Drain all fuel. Disconnect2.and cap all fuel and ventlines. Purge fuel residueandf u m e s b ysteamcleaning. Purge air from fuel tank with3.C 0 2.Use a wire brush to remove paint and dirtfrom outer surface area to be welded.W A R N I N GAir pressure in excess of 30psi (207 kpa) can injure per-sonnel Do not direct pres-surized air at yourself orothers. Always wear gog-gles.C A U T I O NDo not expose sealed areas to steam formore than 15 minutes, as existing seal willbegin to deteriorate.Steam clean inside of fuel tank (1). Use cleanrags and 30 psi (207 kPa) compressed air tod r yDirect carbon dioxide or argon gas into fueltank (1) at 30-60 cubic feet (0.84-1.68 cubicmeters) per hour until gas escapes fromaccess cover openings.4-14Change 3
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business