TM 9-2350-261-20-2
R E P L A C E B A T T E R I E S A N D R E T A I N E R S ( M 1 0 6 A 2 , M 1 2 5 A 2 , A N D
M 1 0 6 4 O N L Y)
This task covers:
Remove (page 13-18).
Clean, Inspect, and Repair (page 13-19).
Install (page 13-19).
General Mechanics Tool Kit (Item 30, App D)
Battery terminal Cleaner (Item 13, App D)
Epoxy coating kit (Item 15, App C)
Sodium bicarbonate (Item 55, App C)
Wiping rag (Item 61, App C)
Personnel Required:
Unit Mechanic
Personnel Required: (cent):
Helper (H)
See your -10
TM 9-6140-200-14
Equipment Conditions:
Engine stopped (see your -10)
Battery leads disconnected (page 13-2) and
terminal lugs removed (page 1310)
Do not start carriers while batteries are
S t a r t i n g e n g i n e w i th
o u t s i d e p o w e r w h i l e b a t t e r i e s a re
disconnected will damage electrical
components in the regulator.
1. Remove bolt (l), washer (2), and clamp (3)
from two retainers (4).
2. Remove two nuts (5), washers (6), and
retainers (4) from two hooks (7). Remove
hooks from frame (8).
you. Wear safety goggles
and gloves. If electrolyte or
battery corrosion contacts
the eyes, skin, or clothing,
flush with large amounts of cold water
and see a doctor immediately.
Electrolyte and battery cor-Text
rosion can cause injury
1 3 - 1 8 C h a n g e 2