TM 9-2350-261-20-2
11. Remove five screws (1), lockwashers (2). and
distribution box (3) from hull. Discard
12. Remove gasket (4) from distribution box (3).
Discard gasket.
13. Install distribution box assembly (3) on hull.
Secure with five screws (1) and new
lockwashers (2).
14. Install new grommet (5) and circuit 400
lead (6) in distribution box (3).
If bilge pump circuit breakers must be
removed, refer to page 16-12 for removal.
If bilge pump circuit breakers are not to
be removed, go to step 17.
15. Connect circuit 450C lead (7) to circuit
breaker (8).
Connect circuit 450A lead (9) to circuit
breaker (10).
Install new grommet (11) and circuit 450B
lead (12) in distribution box (3). Connect cir-
cuit 450B lead (12) to circuit breaker (13).
Install new grommet (14) and circuit 450
lead (15) in distribution box (3). Connect cir-
cuit 450 lead (15) to circuit breaker (16).
Install new grommet (17) and circuit 3 lead
(18) in distribution box (3). Install circuit 3
lead (18) on circuit breaker (19). Secure
with new lockwasher (20) and screw (21).
Install new grommet (22) and circuit 2 lead
(23) in distribution box (3). Install circuit
450C lead (7) and circuit 2 lead (23) on bus
bar (24). Secure with new lockwasher (25)
and screw (26).