INTERCONNECTIONSInterconnection wiring data for equipment which is not permanentlyinstalled in the M992 is discussed in detail in Chapter 6 in this manual.PRELIMINARY SERVICING AND ADJUSTMENT OF EQUIPMENTEquipment faults disclosed during preliminary inspection and servic-ing or during break-in period will be corrected by Organizational or Support Maintenance.REPORTING UNSATISFACTORY CONDITIONSSerious equipment faults which appear to involve unsatisfactory designor material will be reported on SF 368, Quality Deficiency Report(Category II), as prescribed in DA Pam 738-750.2-4.1Change 2PREOPERATIONAL SERVICING AND ADJUSTMENTConduct general overall inspection of the vehicle. Refer to TM9-2350-267-10.Check:A All electrical wires/connectorsBHydraulic lines/connectorsCWeldsD BoltsESealsTA58103TM 9-2350-267-20
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