2-6Section Ill PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCEGENERALPreventive maintenance is step-by-step care, inspection, maintenanceand service of equipment to find and correct problems before exten-sive time-consuming repairs or replacements are required. Refer toDA Pam 738-750 for instructions on use of forms for preventivemaintenance services.This section contains procedures and instructions needed to conductorganizational preventive maintenance checks.INTERVALSPreventive maintenance service intervals at organizationalmaintenance level are quarterly and annually, 750 miles or 75 hours,whichever occurs first. This is scheduled on DD Form 314 in accor-dance with DA Pam 738-750.Clean and lubricate after operation in:l W a t e rl Mudl SandLUBRICATION ORDERFor detailed location, intervals, lubricant specifications and step-by-step lubrication instructions refer to LO 9-2350-267-12.PROCEDURESROUTINE APPLICATIONS: Operator’s manual TM 9-2350-267-10 contains important and necessary information the organiza-tional maintenanceoperate the vehicle.level mechanic must know to maintain andTM 9-2350-267-20CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)VEHICLE CLEANLINESS: The vehicle should be reasonablyclean when brought in for scheduled organizational maintenance. Itshould be dry, and not caked with mud.NOTEDo not wash vehicle immediately before scheduledinspection. Loose parts and oil leaks are not asnoticeable after washing.CAUTIONDo not direct a stream of water against grilles, ex-haust openings, FES components, or open oil andfuel fill ports. Operate bilge pump after washdownto remove water from engine compartment.SERVICESOrganizational services are defined by, and limited to, the followinggeneral procedures. High level maintenance services shall be ap-proved by the supporting maintenance unit.ADJUST. Make all needed adjustments using instructions in thismanual and/or technical bulletins.CLEAN. Wash the unit to remove old lubricant, dirt and otherforeign matter. Special cleaning instructions are given as needed.INSPECT. Determine the serviceability of an item by comparingphysical, mechanical and/or electrical characteristics with establishedstandards through examination.TA310340
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