2-8TM 9-2350-267-20FORMSDA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and MaintenanceWorksheet, is used by the mechanic to record periodic maintenanceservices performed and faults corrected. The item number on the2404 must be the same as the item number of the PMCS.COMMON ITEMSBe sure to check the common items shown on this page as youdo PMCS.NUTS, BOLTS AND SCREWS. Loose attaching hardware maybe hard to spot without using a wrench. Check for loose parts bylooking for cracked or chipped paint around bolt heads, and miss-ing or broken cotter pins or lock wire.WELDS. Check for damaged welds by looking for rust or chip-ped paint at seams.ELECTRICAL WIRES AND CONNECTORS. Check electricalwiring for cracked insulation and exposed wires. Tighten loose con-nectors by slightly flattening female connector with pliers asshown.HOSES AND TUBES. Check all hoses and tubes for rubbingdamage, leaks, loose fittings and loose clamps.SEALS. Check seals for leaks.TA310342
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