TM 9-2350-267-202-2 Change 3Section II SERVICE UPON RECEIPTGENERALA Follow all precautions on DD Form 1397 (Processing and ReprocessingRecord for Shipment, Storage and Issue of Vehicles and Spare Engines).BIf the vehicle has been shipped by rail, unblock and unload the equipment,using the instructions in Chapters 17 and 18 as a guide. Observe existingregulations.C Conduct a run-in of at least 5 miles on all new or reconditioned vehicles.Operate used vehicles enough to completely check proper operation.WARNINGDO NOT USE MINERAL SPIRITS OR PAINTHINNER TO CLEAN THE M992.Mineral spirits and paint thinners are highly toxic andcombustible. Prolonged breathing can cause dizziness,nausea and even death. DO NOT USE THESEMATERIALS.WARNINGDry-cleaning solvent (PD-680) is toxic and flammable. Toprevent personal injury when using PD-680, use only in awell ventilated area Avoid breathing vapors. If you becomedizzy get fresh air immediately and seek medical attention.Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Use protectivegoggles, gloves, and clothing. If contact is made, immediatelyflush with water and seek medical attention. The flashpointfor Type I dry-cleaning solvent is 100° F (38°C); for Type IIit is 138°F (50°C). Do not use near open flame or excessiveheat.D Interior and exterior parts should be coated with rust-preventive compoundwhen received from storage. They should be thoroughly cleaned with ragsor a brush saturated with dry-cleaning solvent (item 19, Appx D). Aftercomplete removal of the compound lubricate if specified in LO 9-2350-267-12. Component parts of each weapon should be cleaned separately wherepossible. Although like parts are interchangeable, the parts originallyassembled work best together.SPECIFIC PROCEDURESA To make the M992 Automatic Fire Extinguishing System (AFES) operational,perform the following procedures in the sequence listed. AFES consists ofthree individual systems: Engine AFES, Crew AFES and AFES ManualDischarge System. Each must be serviced upon receipt as follows
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business