ce2-2.2Change 4TM 9-2350-267-20bdfCheck that 13 electrical connectors of wire harnesses 12351498,12351499, and 12351501 of vehicles 1 thru 344 (p 14-40.2) or 15electrical connectors of wire harnesses 12352316, 12352353, or 12352315of vehicles 345 and above (p 14-52.1) are secure. Ensure that keywaysare alined, shells are fully seated and locking rings are fully rotated. Ifnot secure, make sure Optical Fire Sensing Assemblies (OFSA)connectors snap in place. Loosen all other connectors, apply scalingcompound (item 75, Appx D) and retighten.Remove locking pin (13) (p 14-28.5) from two crew compartmentextinguishers no. 3 and no. 4 valve actuator guards 2 and 12) (p 14-28.5)connected by mechanical cable to actuator assembly. Make sure theother two extinguisher’s (vehicles 1 thru 344) and four extinguisher’s(vehicles 345 and above) locking pins are installed.Remove anti-recoil plug (9) (p 14-14.8) from four crew compartmentextinguisher (1, 2,4, and 12) (p 14-28.4) in vehicles 1 thru 344 or fromsix crew compartment extinguishers (1,2,4, 12,13, and 14) (p 14-28.9)in vehicles 345 and above. Place nozzle on extinguisher (p 14-14.8).Turn Maintenance switch (1) on crew T/A panel (2 or 3) (p 14-14.3)to horizontal position. Make sure green POWER ON lamp lights andgreen PASS TEST lamp lights and then goes out indk.sting that systemis operational.Momentarily hold SYSTEM TEST/LAMP TEST toggle switch on crewT/A panel to LAMP TEST position. Verify that all four lamps and allLED's light. Time permitting, perform crew AFES system test (p 14-56for vehicles 1 thru 344 or p 14-60.1 for vehicles 345 and above).(5) AFES Manual Discharge SystemaMake sure external manual cable pull handle near driver’s hatch issafety wired ( p 14-55).bcMake sure actuator assembly (p 14-52.2) cables are tight.Remove locking pin (5) (p 14-14.4) from engine extinguisher no.2 valve actuator guard (5) (p 14-28.2). Do not remove lockingpin from engine extinguisher no. 1 valve actuator guard (p 14-14.3).(6) Move projectile racks to forward compartment (TM 9-2350-267-10).BRun engine until preservative oil is out of combustion chambers andengine is operating smoothly. Check for fuel and oil leaks immediately.NOTEDue to internal processing, engine may start hard,smoke, and run rough. Conditions should improveafter approximately 5 minutes running time. Conducttroubleshooting procedures if engine fails to developfull power after 5 minutes.NOTEPreservative engine oils PE1 and PE2 are identical toengine oils OE- 10 and OE-30 except they contain apreservative. PE1 and PE2 oil be used in the samemanner as regularly used engine oils OE-10 or OE-30PE1 or PE2 will be used in the transmission until thefirst scheduled 2000-mile or semiannual oil change.Refer to L09-2350-267-12 for lubrication instructions.
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