TM 9-2350-261-34 CLEANINGa. GENERAL. Cleaning is very important. Allmaintenance. Dirt or foreign matter can causeparts must be cleaned well and kept clean duringmalfunctions and equipment failure. General cleaningprocedures are detailed in steps b thru n. Special cleaning procedures are covered in the task relating to thespecific part.b. CLEAN EVERY PART. Clean every part well after disassembly and before assembly or installation. Cleanparts such as housings, covers, and dipsticks before disassembly. Avoid getting dirt and foreign matter in asystem.c. HANDLE WITH CARE. Use care when handling parts during cleaning and maintenance. Nicks,scratches, dents, and burrs can prevent proper assembly or cause malfunctions after assembly.d. AVOID ABRASIVES. Except where specially called for in a task, donut use abrasives, files, wire brushes,or sharp tools. On some surfaces, finish is important to the operation of close-fitting parts.WARNINGDry cleaning solvent P–D-680 is toxic and flammable. Always use in an open areawith good air flow, away from sparks, heat, or flames. Wear goggles and gloves. Donot breathe vapors. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes. If you get dizzywhile using solvent, breathe fresh air and get medical help. If solvent gets onhands, wash them. If solvent gets in eyes, flush eyes with fresh water and getmedical help immediately. Keep fire extinguisher nearby.e. REMOVAL AGENTS. Remove gum or old grease deposits by soaking parts in cleaning solvent(Item 18, App C). Scrub with a brush. Use crocus cloth (Item 17, App C) to remove minor surface defects.WARNINGAir pressure in excess of 30 psi (207 kPa) can injure personnel. Do not directpressurized air at yourself or others. Always wear goggles.CAUTIONLye or caustic mixtures will damage metalsurfaces. Do not use lye or caustic mixturesto clean metal surfaces.f. STEAM CLEANING. If steam cleaning is used, dry clean parts at once with compressed air. Apply a thinfilm of clean oil to surfaces that are not painted to prevent rusting. Never use lye or caustic mixtures thatwill corrode or etch metal surfaces.g. LUBRICATION OF NEW BEARINGS. See TM 9–214 for cleaning and lubrication procedures. Bearingsthat have been in service should also be lubricated.2-8
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