TM 9-2350-261-34
a. GENERAL. General repair procedures are given in steps b thru p below. Special repairs are covered in the
task. After repair clean all parts well.
(1) Replace all cracked or broken castings.
(2) Repair minor damage to machined surfaces of castings with crocus cloth (Item 17, App C). Replace
any part with defects that cannot be corrected or which will impair function.
(3) Repair minor surface bends by working bent surface of casting across sheet of crocus cloth
(Item 17, App C) on surface plate. Replace bent castings which would impair assembly or function.
(4) Repair damaged pipe or screw threads with correct tap or die.
c. BALL BEARINGS. See TM 9214 for inspection and maintenance of ball bearings.
d. NEEDLE ROLLER BEARINGS. See TM 9214 for inspection and maintenance of needle roller bearings.
(1) Replace all bent or loose studs or studs which show signs of stretching.
(2) Repair minor thread damage with standard thread chaser.
(3) To remove studs, back out studs slowly with stud extractor to avoid heating and possible seizure. If
studs are broken too short to use extractor, drill and extract studs with suitable remover, A short stud
may be removed by welding nut to stud and removing with wrench.
(4) To replace studs, lightly apply antiseize compound to stud before you install it. Only standard studs
are supplied for repair parts. If threaded hole is damaged beyond repair, drill and tap damaged hole.
Install threaded insert in tapped hole.
(1) Replace gears that have worn, pitted or gouged teeth.
Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 is toxic and flammable. Always use in an open area
with good air flow, away from sparks, heat, or flames. Wear goggles and gloves. Do
not breathe vapors. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes. If you get dizzy
while using solvent, breathe fresh air and get medical help. If solvent gets on
hands, wash them. If solvent gets in eyes, flush eyes with fresh water and get
medical help immediately. Keep fire extinguisher nearby.
(2) Remove sharp burrs from gear teeth with file and polish with crocus cloth (Item 17, App C) dipped in
cleaning solvent (Item 18, App C).