TM 9-2350-261-20-1R E P L A C E E N G I N E F U E L P U M PDESCRIPTIONThis task covers: Remove (page 6-121). Install (page 6-122).INITIAL SETUPT o o l:General Mechanics Tool Kit (Item 30, App D)Materials/Parts:Sealing compound (Item 46, App C)wiping rag (Item 61, App CGasketPersonnel Required:Unit MechanicReferences:See your -10Equipment Conditions:Engine stopped/shutdown (see your -10)Carrier blocked (see your -10)Ramp lowered (see your -10)Battery ground lead disconnected (page 13-2)Power plant rear access panels and supportremoved (page 24-27 or 24-29)REMOVEW A R N I NGFuel flowing over a metalsurfacecausesstaticelectricity. This will cause aspark unless the surface isgrounded.1.N O TEUse wiping rag to wipe up any spilled fuel.Disconnect supply hose at quick disconnect2.3.4.5.Disconnect primary fuel filter supply hose (2)from elbow (3).Disconnect secondary fuel filter supply hose(4) from elbow (5).Remove three screws (6), fuel pump (7),gasket (8), and fork (9) from engine block.Discard gasket.Remove two eIbows (3 and 5) from pump (7).coupling (1).GO TO NEXT PAGE6-121
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