TM 9-2350-261-20-1
6. Push VTM circuit breaker to ON.
a. If display reads (8888) and (- - - -), go
to step 7.
b. If display is not blank, but does not read
(8888) and (- - - -), write up DA form
2404 on faulty VTM display. Report prob-
lem to supervisor.
c. If display is blank, go to VTM blank
display diagnostic troubleshooting
(See TM 9-4910-571-12&P).
Steps 7 thru 10 deleted.
11. Return to troubleshooting.
12. Pull VTM circuit breaker to OFF.
13. Remove transducer cable W4 from battery
cable and VTM.
14. Disconnect cable W4P2 from current probe.
15. Stow transducer cable W4 and current probe
in transit case.
Change 4