TM 9-2350-261-20-1
1. Remove cable W38 plug P7 (1) from Power Control
Enclosure jack J28 (2).
2. Measure resistance between center of plugs P7 (1) and
P6 (3) of cable W38.
3. Does multimeter read 0 ohms?
1. Install cable W38 plug P7 (1) on Power Control
Enclosure jack J28 (2).
2. Install cable W38 plug P6 (3) on cable W29 plug P2 (4).
3. Install cable W29 plug P1 (5) and circuit 415 plug
P1 (6) on adapter T2 (7).
4. Verify no faults found.
1. Replace cable W38
(page 40.1-84).
2. Verify no faults found.
Change 3