TM 9-2350-261-10
PERSONNEL HEATER KIT ALL CARRIERS. Provides heat to the rear
compartment and drivers compartment during cold weather. It circulates warm air
from the fresh air heater mounted in the right front corner of the rear compartment.
A heat duct along the front floor is manually controlled to direct the heat. Heater
intake air is drawn from outside. The exhaust is vented through the top deck. The
heater control box is mounted to the left of the driver. It has a three-position RUN-
OFF-START switch, HI-LO switch, and indicator light.
Inspect heater
fuel lines for
leaks. DO NOT
operate heater
with a bad fuel
line. You could
be badly burned.
haust fumes
contain deadly
gases. Severe
exposure can
cause death or permanent
brain damage. Turn heater
off if you smell or suspect
exhaust gas inside person-
nel compartment.