TM 9-2350-261-10R E M O V E / I N S T A L L T R A C K S H O ED E S C R l P T I O NThis task covers: Remove Track Shoe (page 3-29).Install Track Shoe (page 3-31).I N I T I A L S E T U PTools:Crowbar (Item 8, App B)Drive Pin Punch (Item 29, App B)Grease Gun, (Item 18, App B)Hammer, 2 lb (Item 19, App B)Open End Wrench, 1-5/16 inch(Item 38, App B)Socket Handle, 1/2 inch drive(Item 21, App B)Socket, 11/16 inch(Item 34, App B)Socket, 3/4 inch (Item 34, App B)Tools (cont)Track Fixture (Item 16, App B)Personnel Required:DriverHelperEquipment Conditions:Carrier on level surfaceEngine stopped (page 2-184)R E M O V E T R A C K S H OE1. Break track to remove track shoe(page 3-24).2. Remove nut from track pin ofshoe to be removed. Use 1/2 inchdrive socket handle and 11/16inch socket.GO TO NEXT PAGE3-29
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