TM 9-2350-261-10 TRACK SHOE WEAR LIMITSINITIAL SETUPTools:Track and Sprocket(Item 17, App B)Personnel Required:SoldierEquipment Conditions:GageCarrier parked on level groundEngine stopped (page 2-184)TRACK SHOE WEAR LIMITSNOTEAll M113A2 family carriers werebuilt with the T130E1 track shoeassembly. However, your carriermay have a T130 track shoeassembly installed as a replace-ment for the original. A trackassembly should be made up ofall T130E1 pads or all T130 pads.Mixing these two pads in a trackassembly should NOT be done.1. Bushing wear. With the track onthe carrier and under normaltension, visually check inside andoutside of each track assembly tosee that nut is centered insidethe shoe. Track bushings must becentered. If a nut is not centered,bushings are worn.2.3.Dead shoes. Look for shoes withone end that sticks up above thesame side of the next shoes onupper side of track. This iscaused by the rubber bushingrotating in the shoe. Record faulton DA Form 2404 and report tounit maintenance. If carrier hasextra shoes stowed on front ofcarrier, replace dead shoes(page 3-29).For suspect track shoe measure-ment, notify Unit MaintenanceEND OF TASK3-33
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