TM 9-2350-287-10
8. Push ammunition onto conveyor chain. Conveyor will move ammunition to forward end
9. When ammunition reaches forward end section, it must be removed promptly and stowed
in designated areas.
Unloading Cargo from M992A1
1. Deploy conveyor (p. 2-150).
For safety of personnel in the area, always use ground
guide(s) when backing M992A1 into position.
To avoid damage to upper rear door and injury to personnel
in the area, ground guide must always consider rear clearance
of opened door when instructing driver.
2. Back vehicle to receiving area. If cargo is to be unloaded to a supported howitzer, open
howitzer rear personnel door and back vehicle until conveyor reaches doorway. Close
upper rear door with upper rear door small doors open (p. 2-140).
Yellow nylon strips on conveyor are for use with the M109A6
howitzer. Back the M992A1 toward the M109A6 until yellow
nylon strips are even with bulkhead of the M109A6.
A deadman switch on rear end section of conveyor will
automatically shut off conveyor, preventing a possibly
dangerous pile-up of ammunition.
Make sure conveyor override safety switch is within easy reach
of howitzer crew. This is necessary to provide the howitzer crew
with the capability to prevent ammuntion "pile-up."
An override safety switch on rear end section of conveyor
allows the crew to shut off conveyor in an emergency situation.
It is the responsibility of the Ammunition Team Chief to inform
the howitzer crew of these features.