TM 9-2350-277-20-6
0910 00
12. Install clamp (1) on coupling (2) and install coupling and clamp on gas filter (3). Tighten clamp securely.
13. Install clamp (4) on coupling (5) and install coupling and clamp on gas filter (3). Tighten clamp securely.
14. Install clamp (6) on coupling (5) and install coupling and clamp over elbow (7). Tighten clamp securely.
15. Install clamp (8) on coupling (9) and install coupling and clamp on elbow (7). Tighten clamp securely.
16. Install clamp (10) on coupling (9) and install coupling and clamp onto M1A1-19 precleaner and particulate filter
assembly (11). Tighten clamp securely.
17. Install clamp (12) on coupling (13) and install coupling and clamp onto M1A1-19 precleaner and particulate filter
assembly (11). Tighten clamp securely.
Apply corrosion preventive compound to screw threads before installation in the following step.
18. Secure coupling (13) on vehicle with three clamps (14), washers (15), new lockwashers (16), and screws (17).
19. Install clamp (18) on coupling (13) and install coupling and clamp on gas filter (19). Tighten clamp Securely.
20. Install clamp (20) on coupling (21) and install coupling and clamp on gas filter (19). Tighten clamp securely.
Apply corrosion preventive compound to screw threads before installation in the following step.
21. Secure coupling (21) on vehicle with five clamps (22), washers (23), new lockwashers (24), and screws (25).
0910 00-6