TM 9-2350-267-10OPERATING THE APU - Continued9. five minutes of charging, turn OFF the APU FUEL SHUT OFF switch(6) to shut down APU.Turn your vehicle MASTER switch OFF.Turn MASTER switch ON in supported vehicle. If gages or lights do notfunction, return to step 6. If an additional five minutes of charging does notcharge battery sufficiently for gage and light functioning, notify Organiza-tional Maintenance.If batteries in supported vehicle activate gages or lights unaided byAPU, charge battery as follows:a. Turn MASTER switch ON in your vehicle.b. Start APU.c. Turn on the APU GENerator switch.d. Turn ON MASTER switch in supported vehicle. Batteries willcharge.e. Continue to charge batteries until charge indicator in supportedvehicle reads well into normal range.CAUTIONBe sure APU GENerator switch is OFF before turningOFF the APU FUEL SHUT OFF switch.Turn APU FUEL SHUT OFF switch (6) OFF.WARNINGTo avoid injury, turnMASTER switches inboth vehicles OFF be-fore disconnectingslave cable.Turn OFF MASTER switchin each vehicle.Disconnect and stow slavecable.
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