SERVICE UPON RECEIPT — M113A2LOCATIONACTIONLEVEL BHullEngineEngineEngineEngineEngineEngineHullHullHullHullDriver’s hatchEngine air intakeFuel linesCrankcaseOil level gageOil filter capCaps and plugsPower plant accesspanelsCarrier batteriesBattery cablesPersonnel heater/feedlineRemove welded nut/bolt from driver’shatch to gain vehicle entry.a.b.c.a.b.Remove air restrictor plug from airduct at air filter.Connect filter hose to air filter.Remove warning tag.Connect fuel lines at quickdisconnect.Connect fuel supply tubing.Remove shipping tape from breathercrankcase breather.Remove shipping tape from oil levelgage rod opening.Remove shipping tape from oil faltercap.Remove caps and plugs from all open-ings to engine that vent to outside.Install power plant access panels.a.b.Remove shipping tape from fillercaps.Add electrolyte and charge batteries.See TM 9-6140-200-14.Install cables on battery. SeeTM 9-2350-261-20.a.b.c.Remove shipping tape from heaterexternal exhaust and intake elbows.Remove shipping tape from end ofdisconnected fuel feed line.Connect feed line to heater.2-2TM9-2350-261-34I T E MR E M A R K S
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