TM 9-2350-261-34 CHAPTER 2 GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Section I. REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS, TMDE, AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT COMMON TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT For authorized common tools and equipment, see the Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE)for your unit.SPECIAL TOOLS, TMDE, AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT Special tools you need are listed in Repair Parts and Special Tools List (RPSTL), TM 9-2350-261-24P. TestMeasurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) and special tools are listed in TM 9-2350-261-20. Morethan one model of multimeter is available to you in the system, and you may use any model available.FABRICATED TOOLS These tools enable direct support and general support personnel to fabricate the tools locally. The tools are ofparticular value to organizations engaged in repairing a number of identical components. Fabicated tools arenot available for issue. An accompanying list of materials required for fabrication of the tools is given onpage 24, Fig 1, 2 and 3.REPAIR PARTS Repair parts are listed and illustrated in the Repair Parts and Special Tools List (TM 9-2350-261-24P)covering direct and general support maintenance for this equipment. Maintenance and supply personnel canorder them.Section II. SERVICE UPON RECEIPT The following procedures tell you how to check and service the M113A2, M577A2, M106A2, M1064, M1068, M125A2, M741A1, M1059, and M901A1. These procedures will allow you to drive the carrier to the motorpool. Procedures are given for level B and level A reprocessing. Level B reprocessing is performed when thecarrier has been in storage for less than ninety (90) days. Level A deprocessing is performed in addition toLevel B reprocessing when the carrier has been in storage for more than ninety days (90) days.Change 3 2-1
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