TM 9-2350-261-20-1S E R V I C E A I R C L E A N E R E L E M E N TINITIAL SETUPTools:References:General Mechanics Tool Kit (Item 30, App D)See your -10Air Blow Gun (Item 33, App D)Equipment Conditions:Material/Parts:Engine stopped/shutdown (see your -10)General purpose detergent (Item 17, App C)Carrier blocked (see your -10)Suitable container (5 Gal)Air cleaner element removed (see your -10)Personnel Required:Unit MechanicSERVICEN O T ECleaning element may be cleaned by ei-ther or both of the following methods.1. Using air blow gun, blow out element with30 psi maximum compressed air from insideto outside of element (in direction opposite tonormal air flow).2.W A R N I N GAfter suspected NBC expo-sure of this earner, all aircleaner media shall behandled only by personnelw e a r i n g f u l l NBCprotective equipment.W A R N I NGAir pressure in excess of30 psi (207 kpa) can injurepersonnel. Do not directpressurized air at youselfor others. Always wear gog-gles.Wash element in solution of nonsudsing orlow sudsing detergent and water or soap andwater. Do not use gasoline or solvents forcleaning.a.b.c.d.e.f.Prepare solution of 1 cup of dry detergentto 5 gallons of water in a container largeenough to completely submerge the ele-ment. The temperature of the solutionshould not exceed 190°F. Make solutionstronger if element is extremely dirty.Immerse element completely in the wash-ing solution. Agitate element gently for2 minutes.Allow element to soak in solution for aminimum of 15 minutes. Agitate elementgently for an additional 3 to 5 minutes.Remove element from solution and allowto drain.Rinse element with cold water from ahose with a maximum 30 psi water pres-sure from inside to outside of element.Continue rinsing until water runs clearand detergent or soap residue is removedfrom element.Allow element to air dry thoroughly.FOLLOW-THROUGH STEPS1. Install air cleaner element (see your -10).END OF TASK7-2
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