TM 9-2350-261-10
Check the water level more
frequently in hot weather.
4. Remove vent plugs from batteries
and check battery electrolyte
level. Use a flashlight. Look
down into each battery cell. The
electrolyte level should be
covering the plates and to the
lower edge of the vent. If battery
cells are low or dry, add distilled
water. Install vent plugs on
battery cells.
5. Clean battery. Wipe off battery
casing and surrounding metal
parts. Use clean dry wiping rag.
Check terminals, clamp, cables
and retainers for corrosion. If
wiping rag will not remove dirt,
notify unit maintenance.
6. Coat terminals with a small
amount of grease (GAA).
7. To install battery box covers:
a. On M113A2 and M1059, slide
cover onto battery box and
secure two latches on side of
Change 3
3-36.1 (3-36.2 blank)