TM 9-2350-287-20-1
2-20. GENERAL STE/lCE TEST METHODS (continued).
Select the proper PMCS (DCA or TK) tree.
Always start with PMCS tree #1. Do not start in the middle of any tree.
Complete each step in a tree. Do not skip any procedure or instructions.
If a PMCS tree fails a test, go to the specified troubleshooting tree or higher level of maintenance.
After correcting a failed test with a troubleshooting tree, return to PMCS test #1 and restart testing to make
sure there are no other problems with the vehicle.
Each PMCS tree test depends on the passing of a previous test. Do not skip any test under any
3. Vehicle Test Card (VTC). When familiar with the STE/lCE procedures, the vehicle test card can be used as
a quick reference. The front of the test card has all of the information the user will need to do common
measurements on the vehicle. The card has logical order (from top to bottom) of steps from powering up the
VTM to completing a series of tests.
The top of the card tells you how to power up STE/lCE for the vehicle. Next, a table lists many measurements that
can be useful when troubleshooting the vehicle. This table has the VTM test number, required offset test limits, engine
operating condition, required special connections, expected pass/fail limits and units of measurement. The order of
the measurements in this table allow for the first measurements to be taken with the engine off. This makes sure the
starting system of the vehicle is in working order. Order of the other measurements are:
Engine running, but not warm,
Engine running and warm.
Engine not running, but warm.
Hookups for the measurements used to troubleshoot the vehicle are on the back of the VTC. Measurement that require
special hookups are also done on the back of the VTC.
To begin the PMCS test method, do the pre-test inspections and go to PMCS tree #1.
c. STE/lCE Troubleshooting Method.
1. STE/lCE engine troubleshooting uses only troubleshooting trees. When an engine malfunction is recognized,
using the Quick Guide to STE/lCE Troubleshooting index will send you to a specific troubleshooting tree to
isolate the cause of the malfunction.
To start the STE/ICE troubleshooting method, do the following:
The DCA PMCS trees are the primary troubleshooting trees. The TK PMCS trees are
to be used only when the DCA connector and/or wiring is faulty.