TM 9-2350-287-20-1
This test set is now designated as STE/lCE-R (reprogrammable). The R indicates
its circuit boards can now be reprogrammed at depot. There are no other changes to
this test set. For testing purposes, STE/lCE and STE/lCE-R are the same.
The Simplified Test Equipment for Internal Combustion Engines (STE/lCE) connects to the M992A1 Diagnostic Cable
Assembly (DCA) located in the drivers compartment. The DCA reduces the mechanics need to install test transducers
and leads to perform engine and engine component diagnostic checks. STE/lCE provides measurements on voltage
resistance, pressure, temperature and speed to analyze the conditions of an engine system. STE/lCE also provides
a thorough preventive maintenance check on the M992A1 engine as part of service upon receipt and as an annual
check in PMCS.
a. Engine Testing.
The STE/ICE equipment is used for two different test methods. The PMCS tests check the general condition of the
M992A1 engine. Using STE/ICE for troubleshooting will isolate a malfunction down to the defective part or assembly.
b. PMCS Test Method.
The PMCS Test consists of a pre-test inspection and STE/ICE testing.
1. Pre-test Inspections. Before using STE/ICE do the following inspections:
(a) Fan Belts - Check for proper tension., Replace if cracked or frayed.
(b) Ignition Cables - Make sure they are in good condition and securely connected.
(c) Oil Levei - Check oil. If low, fill to proper level.
(d) Fuel Level - Make sure there is enough fuel for testing.
(e) Radiator - Check water Ievel. If low, fill to proper level.
(f) Battery- If the case is cracked or terminal post is damaged, replace battery. Clean off any corrosion. Make
sure connections to ground and starter are clean and in good condition. Check electrolyte level. If low,
fill to proper level with distilled water.
2. STE/lCE Testing. STE/lCE testing has two different sequences of tests; PMCS and Troubleshooting. A
PMCS tree is a logical sequence of tests performed to determine the general condition of the engine. PMCS
trees are arranged so testing starts with PMCS-(1 ) and goes through each PMCS tree until the test is
terminated by a pass or failure. If testing is terminated by the last PMCS tree, then the vehicle has no
identifiable problem. If any test is terminated by a failure, you will be sent to a Troubleshooting tree for more
testing and troubleshooting to determine the cause of the failure.
Rules to follow when using the PMCS test method:
The DCA PMCS trees are the primary troubleshooting trees. The TK PMCS trees are
to be used only when the DCA connector and/or wiring is faulty.