TM 9-2350-287-20-1
12-19. TROUBLESHOOTING CHART (continued).
The gages are located on the portable instrument panel and include the engine oil pressure gage, engine water
temperature gage, transmission oil pressure gage, transmission oil temperature gage, fuel gage, and the
battery/generator gage. Also included in the gage system is the tachometer and the speedometer which are
located on the drivers instrument panel.
The engine oil pressure circuity consists of the pressure gage, circuit breaker, pressure transmitter and
associated wiring. The engine oil pressure gage should indicate engine oil pressure anytime the MASTER
switch is turned ON and the engine is running. The relationship of the engine oil pressure gage and related
components is shown on the diagram on the following page.
The engine water temperature gage circuit consists of the temperature gage, circuit breaker, the temperature
transmitter and associated wiring.
The engine water temperature gage should indicate engine coolant
temperature any time the MASTER switch is turned ON. The relationship of the engine water temperature gage
and related components is shown in the diagram on the following page.
The transmission oil pressure gage circuit consists of the pressure gage, circuit breaker, pressure transmitter,
and associated wiring. The transmission oil pressure gage should indicate transmission oil pressure any time
the MASTER switch is turned ON and the engine is running. The relationship of the transmission oil pressure
gage and related components is shown on the diagram on the following page.
The transmission oil temperature gage circuit consists of the temperature gage, circuit breaker, temperature
transmitter and associated wiring. The transmission oil temperature gage should indicated transmission oil
temperature any time the MASTER switch is turned ON. The relationship of the transmission oil temperature
gage and associated circuits is shown in the diagram on the following page.
The fuel gage circuit consists of the fuel gage, circuit breaker, fuel gage switch, upper and lower fuel tank
transmitters, and associated wiring. The fuel gage should indicated the level of fuel in the upper tank when the
fuel gage switch is set to UPPER and the MASTER switch is ON. The fuel gage should indicated the level of
fuel in the lower tank by setting the fuel gage switch to LOWER and turning the MASTER switch ON. The
relationship of the fuel gage and related components is shown in the diagram on the following page.
The battery/generator gage circuit consists of the gage, circuit breaker, and associated wiring. The battery/
generator gage should indicate the vehicle voltage any time the MASTER switch is turned ON. The relationship
of the battery/generator and related components is shown on electrical schematic on page FO-1 through FO-
The tachometer consists of the tachometer, flexible drive shaft, pulse tachometer, and drive output shaft. The
tachometer should indicate engine revolutions per minute any time the MASTER switch is turned ON, and the
engine is running. The relationship of the tachometer and related components is shown on the pictorial diagram
on the troubleshooting chart.
The speedometer consists of the speedometer, flexible drive shaft, pulse speedometer drive shaft, and
speedometer drive. The speedometer should indicate vehicle speed in miles per hour anytime the MASTER
switch is turned ON with the engine running and the transmission in forward gear. The relationship of the
speedometer and related components is shown on the pictorial diagram on the troubleshooting chart.