TM 9-2350-287-10Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model M992A1LocationItem IntervalCrewmemberNot Fully MissionNo.Item toProcedureCapable If:Check/Service17.1BeforeInstruments f. BATTERY - GENERATORf. Gage inoperativeand GagesIndicator gage - green zoneor does not read in(continued)(charging).green zone.g. TACHOMETER - Run engine atlow (normal) idle. Should operatewithout excessive fluctuation orunusual noises, at idle speed of 550to 650 rpm.h. Low COOLANT level warninglamp - Press to test for properoperation.i. FUEL gage indicates full (F).h. Lamp missing orinoperative.LOW COOLANTLEVEL WARNINGL A M PDRlVER18 During BrakesWARNINGArea must be clear of personnelbefore operating vehicle.Check brake operation.Locks up or binds;inoperative or inter-mittent, defective,or out of adjustment.D R I V E R19DuringSteeringCheck response to determineproper function.Locks up or binds.2-42 Change 1
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