TM 9-2350-287-10Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model M992A1LocationItemIntervalCrewmemberNot Fully MissionNo.Item toProcedureCapable If:Check/Service7.1BeforeInstrumentsb. ENGINE WATER TEMP gageb. ENGINE WATERand Gagesreads 160° F to 185° F minimum,TEMP gage in-(continued)230° F maximum.operative or does noread within limits.c. ENGINE OIL PRESSURE gagec. ENGINE OILreads 30-70 psi at fast idle.PRESSURE gageinoperative or doesnot read within limitsd. TRANSMISSION OIL TEMPd. TRANSMISSIONgage reads 220º F to 240º F normal, OIL TEMP gage in300º maximum.operative or doesnot read within limit:e. TRANSMISSION OIL PRESSURE e. TRANSMISSIONgage reads 10-45 psi at fast idle.OIL PRESSUREgage inoperative ordoes not read with-in limits.ENGINE WATERTEMPERATUREOIL PRESSURETRANSMISSIONOIL TEMPERATURETRANSMISSIONOIL PRESSUREChange 12-41
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