TM 9-2350-287-10Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model M992A1DRIVER16.1 Before PLGR172-4017.1BeforeInstrumentsand GagesCheck all controls, indicators, andassemblies for proper operationand PMCS IAW TM 11-5825-291-13.Before ParkingBrakeChange 1LocationItem IntervalCrewmemberNot Fully MissionNo.Item toProcedureCapable If:Check/Service14BeforeAcceleratorPedalCheck for smooth operation of ac-Return spring iscelerator pedal and missing or un-missing or unser-servicable accelerator pedalviceable or ac-return spring.celerator pedal doesnot return to idleposition after beingdepressed.COMMANDER15Before0.50-Cal. M2 Mount weapon and perform PMCSMachine GunMachine GunIAW TM 9-1005-213-10.cannot be securelymounted.COMMANDER16 BeforeIntercomSystemCheck all controls and indicators forCommunication isproper operation and PMCS IAWnot possible betweenTM 11-5830-340-12.commander anddriver.COMMANDERDRlVERCheck parking brake operation(p. 2-84).DRlVERParking brake doesnot hold.NOTEVehicle may take longer thanusual to warm up, depending onlocal climate.a. Turn on fuel prime switch for one a. Engine will notminute. Start engine; follow “startingstart.main engine” procedures (p. 2-82).Run engine at fast idle (1000 rpm).
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