TM 9-2350-277-34NO DC OUTPUT FROM DC POWER SUPPLY (M1068A3 ONLY)—Continued 0009 00br5Y1. Measure resistance between power supply PS2 (+) OUTPUTterminal (1) and pin A2 (2) of relay K6 (3).2. Does multimeter read 0 ohms?YESNObr5YN1. Replace lead 31C (WP 0090 00) and(WP 0093 00).2. Verify no faults found.br6Y1. Remove cable W4 plug P1 (1) from Power Control Enclosurejack J25 (2).2. Measure resistance between power supply PS2 (-) OUTPUTterminal (3) and jack J25 (2) outer sleeve.3. Does multimeter read 0 ohms?YESNObr6YN1. Replace lead 32E (WP 0090 00) and(WP 0092 00).2. Install cable W4 plug P1 (1) onPower Control Enclosurejack J25 (2).3. Verify no faults found.0009 00-6
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