TM 9-2350-267-10SHIFTNG THE TRANSMISSION - ContinuedSECOND GEAR (2) should be used when:lllTowing heavy loads.Ascending or descending steep grades andon extremely muddy or rough terrain.Making forward short radius turns. Topspeed-is 9 mph.THIRD GEAR (3) should be used when:l Vehicle is operating on hard surfaced roadsuntil sufficient speed (12 to 15 mph) per-mits shifting to FOURTH GEAR range.l Heavy pulling for sustained periods and forascending or descending on long grades.Top speed is 24 mph.FOURTH GEAR (4) should be used when driv-ing under normal conditions on firm, smooth,level ground. Top speed is 35 mph.CAUTIONNever attempt to shift into reverse gear range unless ve-hicle is at stand still and engine is operating at idle rpm.2-91
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business