DRIVING THE VEHICLETM 9-2350-267-10WARNINGBrake vehicle to prevent vehicle speed from over-running engine speed. If vehicle speed overrunsengine speed, you will not be able to downshift,and you may lose control of vehicle.Drive carsfully, especially if unfamillar with vehi-cle. Avoid over-steering and speeding on hardpavement; you could lose control of vehicle.Be sure driver’s hatch cover is locked in eitheropened or closed position. To avoid injury to per-sonnel, secure other covers, doors and hatchesbefore moving.Make sure charge canisters, projectiles, fuzes andall other stowed items are securely restrained be-fore moving vehicle.Never move vehicle without first receiving a signalfrom the ammunition team chief that all crewmembers are seated and that stowed items are se-cured. Always use seat belts while traveling.CAUTIONDo not leave vehicle unattended while engine isrunning.When starting on a hill, depress brake and placetransmission low “I” position. increase enginespeed and release brake.Do not hold vehicle on an incline by using accel-erator. Transmission overheating will result fromthis practice.Do not coast when descending grades; instead,downshift transmission.2-93
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