TM 9-2350-267-10STARTING MAIN ENGINE - ContinuedCAUTIONIf you notice a shrill whine (above normal turbinewhine), rubbing, unusual vibrations and/or sudden in-crease in exhaust smoke, shut off engine and notify Or-ganizational Maintenance.14. Set hand throttle (8) so that tachometer (9) reads 550 to 600 rpm. While engine isidling at this speed, watch ENGINE OIL PRESSURE gage. If engine oil pressuredoes not register 5 to 30 psi within 15 seconds of start, immediately pull FUELSHUT OFF handle to stop engine, and notify Organizational Maintenance.15. Idle engine for about two minutes;then adjust hand throttle (8) to setengine speed at 1000 rpm (fastidle) on tachometer (9). Continueto warm engine until ENGINEWATER TEMPERATURE gage(10) registers 170°F.16. Perform instrument panel checkout procedures (p 2-83) during engine warmup.2-85
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