TM 9-2350-261-34
( 1 ) Replace bushings and bushingt ype bearings if they are loose. scored, or have color change due to heat.
When you replace bushings and bushingtype bearings, check nearby parts for damage or wear.
Damaged housing bore can cause equip-
ment failure. Do not damage housing bore
when cutting bushings.
Do not remove bushings and bushingtype
bearings unless replacement is necessary
and authorized. Removal usually damages
these parts.
(2) Remove bushings and bushingtype bearings by pressing them out. Use a suitable arbor press or
special tools. It may be necessary to remove bushings in blind holes with a saw or by using a narrow
cap chisel.
(3) Install bushings or bushingtype bearings by alining them in casting or retaining cage. Press bushing
or bushingtype bearings into place with suitable arbor press or with special tools.
h. OIL/GREASE SEALS. Seals must be replaced when seal lip shows signs of wear, brittleness, cracks or
damage. Replace seal if tension spring or seal shell is damaged.
( 1 ) Press damaged oil seal from casting. Be careful not to damage bore.
Dry cleaning solvent PD-680 is toxic and flammable. Always use in an open area
with good air flow, away from sparks, heat, or flames. Wear goggles and gloves. Do
not breathe vapors. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes. If you get dizzy
while using solvent, breathe fresh air and get medical help. If solvent gets on
hands, wash them. If solvent gets in eyes, flush eyes with fresh water and get
medical help immediately. Keep fire extinguisher nearby.
(2) When seal bore is damaged so a lubricanttight seal is impossible, replace casting or adapter. Remove
slight nicks, burrs, and scratches with crocus cloth (Item 17, App C ) dipped in cleaning solvent
(Item 18, App C).
(3) Install new seal in casting bore or adapter using suitable oil seal replacement tool.
Preformed packings and gaskets should be replaced when removed unless otherwise stated in the maintenance
task. They should not be reused.