TM 9-2350-261-20-1
1. Clamp current probe between batteries and starter.
2. Point arrow on probe toward starter.
3. Set test select switches to 72.
4. Press and release test button.
5. When GO appears, shut off fuel and engagestarter
switch for two seconds or until OFF is displayed.
6. Is a number displayed?
1. Is the first peak current reading within 700 to
1275 amps?
1. Check electrolyte levels in batteries
(see TM 9-6140-200-14).
2. Clean battery terminals.
3. Check specific gravity in batteries
(see TM 9-6140-200-14).
4. Chargebatteries if necessary.
5. Verify no faults found.
700-1275 Amps
25 milli ohms
50 milli ohms
Change 4