TM 9-2350-261-20-1
S T E / I C E - R B A T T E R Y T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G
General Mechanics Tool Kit (Item 30, App D)
STE/ICE-R Test Set (Item 71.1, App D)
Personnel Required:
Unit Mechanic
See your -10
TM 9-4910-571-12&P
TM 9-6140-200-14
References (cont):
Battery/generator indicator malfunctions
(page 3-143)
Equipment Conditions:
Engine stopped (see your 10)
Carrier blocked (see your -10)
Fuel off, engine must not start (see your -10)
All electrical power off (see your -10)
STE/ICE-R Starter circuit test hooked up
(page 3-279)
STE/ICE-R Power hooked up (page 3-275)
1. Make sure all electrical accessories are off.
1. Go to offset fault isolation
2. Set test select switches to 75.
3. Press and hold test button until CAL appears on
(TM 9-4910-571-12&P).
2. Verify no faults found.
4. Release test button, wait for offset value to appear on
5. Is offset value within -225 to +225?
1. Press and release test button.
While cranking engine with bad or
discharged batteries, it is possible for
VTM to lose power and come on again
after cranking has stopped, if this
occurs, clean battery posts and clamps.
If they are loose or corroded, correct
them and repeat test.
2. When GO appears, engage starter switch for two sec-
onds or until OFF is displayed.
3. Is test value displayed?
Change 1
1. If display shows GO, there is
a bad connection in the start-
er circuit. Check cables and
connections to starter and
repeat test.
2. If GO is still displayed, then
you may have a very poor
battery in the series pair be-
ing tested.
3. If display shows .,
there may be a bad connec-
tion on the batteries being
tested. Clean and tighten the
connections on the batteries
and repeat test.
4. If display shows -- -or
., the batteries being
tested maybe in a dis-
charged state. Check batter-
ies electrolyte level; charge
batteries and repeat test.
5. If display shows E013 three
times, or----, or .
after batteries have been
charged, replace batteries.
6. Verify no faults found.