TM 9-2350-261-20-1
1. Remove the following cable plugs from jacks on Data
Panel A12:
W101 plug P1 (1) from jack J1 (2)
W103 plug P1 (3) from jack J2 (4)
W102 plug P1 (5) from jack J4 (6)
W104 plug P1 (7) from jack J5 (8)
2. Measure resistance between pins of the following jacks
on Data Panel A12:
J1 (2) to J105 (9)
J2 (4) to J106 (10)
J4 (6) to J107 (11).
J5 (8) to J108 (12)
3. Does multimeter read 0 ohms for each measurement?
1. Replace Data Panel A12
(page 40.1-4).
2. Verify no faults found.
Change 3