TM 9-2350-261-20-1
1. Measure resistance between plug 450 A (rear bilge
pump) (1) to 450 A lead end at bus bar (2) or
plug 450 C (front bilge pump) (3) to 450 C lead
end at bus bar (4).
2. Does multimeter read 0 ohms?
1. Remove instrument panel for access. See task:
remove instrument panel mounts and ground lead
(page 11-2).
2. Remove plug 450 B (1) and plug 452 A (2) (front
bilge pump) or plug 450 (3) and 451 A (4) (rear
bilge pump) from bilge pump switch (5).
3. Measure resistance between bilge pump switch
jacks with bilge pump switch on.
4. Does multimeter read 0 ohms?
1. Repair rear main harness circuit 450 or 451A, or
front main harness circuit 450B or 452A
(page 14-3).
2. Install master switch panel on distribution box.
3. Verify no faults found.
(page 14-3). -
2. Verify no faults found.
1. Install master switch panel
on distribution box.
2. Replace bilge pump switch
(page 11-7).
3. Verify no faults found.
1. Replace circuit 450A (rear
b i l g e p u m p ) o r c i r c u i t 4 5 0 C
( f r o n t b i l g e p u m p ) l e a d
3 - 2 0 4