TM 9-2350-261-20-1 3. Insert hose into metal container (1) with at least 1 gallon (4 liter) capacity. W A R N I NGFuel flowing over a metalsurfacecausesstaticelectricity. This will cause aspark unless the surface isgrounded.4. Make sure container (1) is making metal-to-metalcontact with earner floor so there is a good ground.W A R N I NGLoose clothing is dangerousaround moving belts andpulley. You could get badlyhurt if your clothes getcaught in moving parts.5. Start engine (see your -10). Run engine at 1200RPM for 1 minute. Hold end of fuel return hose infuel.6. Install rear half of quick disconnect on hose.7. Place fuel return hose inside power plantcompartment and connect hose to return line. Makesure quick disconnect snaps firmly in place.8. Did fuel flow at least 1/2 gallon (2 liter) perminute?GO TO NEXT PAGE3-45GO TO PAGE 3-49
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