TM 9-2350-247-10DESCRIPTION AND USE OF DRIVER’S CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS — Continued 0004 000004 00-13Turns windshield wipers ON and OFF.WINDSHIELD WIPERSWITCHTurns front bilge pumps ON and OFF.BILGE PUMP SWITCHTable 13. DRIVER’S INSTRUMENT PANEL - M548A3 (Continued)Indicator light comes ON when forward bilge pump is operating.FORWARD BILGE PUMP ONINDICATOR LIGHTKEYCarrier does not have an aft bilge pump.AFT BILGE PUMP ONINDICATOR LIGHTCONTROL OR INDICATORIndicates transmission oil filter is clogged.FUNCTIONTRANSMISSION OIL HIGHDIFFERENTIAL PRESSUREINDICATOR LIGHTIndicates carrier speed in miles per hour and total carier distance traveled inmiles.SPEEDOMETER/ODOMETER
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