TM 9-2350-247-10DESCRIPTION AND USE OF DRIVER’S CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS — Continued 0004 000004 00-11Lights up gauges and indicators on instrument panel when panel lights areturned on.INSTRUMENT PANELLIGHTSIndicates level o f fuel in fuel tank.FUEL GAUGETable 11. DRIVER’S INSTRUMENT PANEL - M548A3Used while starting engine during cold weather -25F to 40F (-31C to4C). Switch is spring loaded to the off position.KEYAIR BOX HEATER SWITCHGuarded switch allows fuel pump to be turned OFF if MASTER SWITCHwill be on for a long period of time with the engine not running.FUEL PUMP SWITCHCONTROL OR INDICATORFUNCTIONTwo position toggle switch to select IR (infrared) or BO (blackout) mode oflights operation.IR-BO SELECT SWITCHEngages engine starter.START SWITCH
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