TM 9-2350-247-10DESCRIPTION AND USE OF DRIVER’S CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS — Continued 0004 000004 00-12Light comes on when NBC air filter switch is placed in ON position.NBC AIR FILTER ONINDICATOR LIGHTApplies power to operate NBC air filter system.NBC AIR FILTER SWITCHTable 12. DRIVER’S INSTRUMENT PANEL - M548A3 (Continued)Indicates engine operating temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.ENGINE COOLANTTEMPERATURE GAUGEKEYLight comes on when MASTER SWITCH is ON.MASTER SWITCH ONINDICATOR LIGHTCONTROL OR INDICATORProvides power for 24-volt accessories.FUNCTIONUTILITY OUTLETIndicates engine speed in revolutions per minute (RPM) and accumulatedhours of engine operation.TACHOMETERIndicates battery and generator condition.BATT GEN GAUGE
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