TM 9-2350-247-10DESCRIPTION AND USE OF DRIVER’S CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS — Continued 0004 000004 00-10SL (STEERING LOCK) POSITION – Locks steering wheel in centerposition. Used during starting, idling and engine shut down.R (REVERSE) POSITION – Used for backing the carrier on land or in thewater.Table 10. DRIVER’S CONTROLS - M548A3 (Continued)PV (PIVOT VEHICLE) POSITION - Used to turn carrier on its own center.KEYRANGE 1-4 – Used to drive carrier in normal forward operation.RANGE 1-3 – Used when climbing or going down slight grades, drivingcross country at high speeds, and driving on roads at moderate speeds.CONTROL OR INDICATORFUNCTIONRANGE 1-2 – Used when climbing or going down medium grades, drivingcross country at slow speeds, and while in the water.RANGE 1 – Used when climbing or going down steep grades and whenentering or leaving water; This range provides maximum traction, low speedmaneuvering, and engine braking.TRANSMISSION SHIFTCONTROLLERSelects driving RANGE of automatic transmission.
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