TM 2350-287-20-1
2-15. GENERAL PMCS PROCEDURES (continued).
ADJUST. Make all needed adjustments using instructions in this manual and/or technical bulletins.
CLEAN. Wash the vehicle to remove old lubricant, dirt, and other foreign matter. Special cleaning instructions are given
as needed.
INSPECT. Determine the serviceability of an item by comparing physical, mechanical, and/or electrical characteristics
with established standards through examination.
SERVICE. Smite includes checking fluid fill operations, such as checking radiator coolant level, checking battery
electrolyte level, draining and refilling units with lubricating or hydraulic oil, and changing or cleaning oil, fuel, and air
TIGHTEN. Tighten all nuts, bolts, screws, and plugs to torque values given in the maintenance procedures. Use
accurate torque wrenches. If a torque value is not given, refer to the Torque Value Guide Tables in Appendix C. DO
not overtighten fasteners. Be sure to install new Iockwashers, self-locking nuts, Iockwire, and cotter pins where
SPECIAL LUBRICATION. Special Iubrication applies either to lubrication operations that do not appear in Appendix
G or to items that do appear, but should be Iubricated as part of an annual service.
REPAIR. Restore an item to serviceable condition. This includes, but is not Iimited to, inspection, cleaning, preserving,
adjusting, replacing, welding, riveting, and strengthening. Refer to Appendix B for authorized Unit maintenance repair,
replacement, and adjustment procedures.
DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, is used by the mechanic to record the periodic
maintenance services performed and faults corrected. The item number on the DA Form 2404 must corresponding
to the item number of the PMCS check.
Specified items to be checked semiannually and annually are found in Table 2-1. Before you begin to check specific
items, remember to check common things in all areas.
Perform repair or replacement as authorized. Report faulty equipment that is beyond
Unit maintenance as prescribed in DA Pam 738-750.
Electrical Wires and Connectors. Electrical wiring should be checked for cracks due to aging and for exposed wires
that cause electrical shorts. Repair with electrical tape or replace. Check connectors and tighten if loose. Complete
hull wiring diagrams are contained in Appendix F. Diagrams of wiring harnesses can be found in Chapter 7. Notify
Direct Support maintenance if wiring harnesses are damaged extensively enough to require replacement.
Welds. Many items are attached to the hull, door, and other components with welds. Check for damaged welds by
looking for chipped paint or oxidation. Notify Direct Support maintenance if welds are cracked.
Seals. Check for leaks around seals. Check gasket material. Check door and hatch seals. Check for deterioration,
cracks, or tears.