TM 9-2350-277-34VEHICLE WILL NOT ACCEPT EXTERNAL AC POWER (M1068A3 ONLY)—Continued 0008 00br18YNOTEUse wiring diagram page 0008 00–14.1. Measure resistance between reversing contactor RC1-FWDterminal 51 (1) and terminal 52 (2).2. Does multimeter read 0 ohms?YESNObr18YN1. Replace reversing contactor RC1(WP 0093 00).2. Raise faceplate (3) and secure withten new lockwashers (4) andscrews (5).3. Verify no faults foundbr19Y1. Raise faceplate (3) and secure with ten new lockwashers (4) andscrews (5).2. Verify no faults found.0008 00-20
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