TM 9-2350-277-34INSTALL NON-SKID RAMP KIT (M1064A3 ONLY) — Continued 0085 00INSTALL1. Place bracket spacer (1) and release bracket (2) on ramp (3). Secure with three key washers (4) and screws (5).2. Place handle release (6) with one washer (7) on each side in release bracket (2). Secure with spring pin (8).3. Place stop spacer (9) and handle stop (10) on ramp (3). Secure with two key washers (11) and screws (12).4. Place ramp non-skid plate (13) on ramp (3). Secure with five key washers (14) and screws (15).5. Place ramp door non-skid plate (16) on ramp door (17). Secure with four key washers (18) and screws (19).6. Bend one tab of each key washer (4), (11), (14), and (18) up against flat of each screw (5), (12), (15), and (19).7. Insert outer handle (20) in ramp with at least one shim (21). Install at least one shim (21), key (22), inner handle (23),and nut (24) on handle (20).8. Turn handle (23) to lock ramp door. Then, raise ramp (see your -10).9. Open and close door, checking door action and handle end play. Adjust per Step 10.10. Add or remove shims (21) on either side of ramp, as needed, to keep ramp door flush with outside of ramp. Ramp doormust be within 1/32 inch (2 mm) with outside of ramp. There must be no handle end play.FOLLOW-THROUGH STEPS1. Start engine (see your -10).2. Raise and lock ramp (see your -10).3. Stop engine (see your -10).4. Remove wood blocks from ramp area.END OF TASK0085 00-4
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