2-142TM 9-2350-267-20A Disconnect wire 321 from transmission oil pressure transmit-ter. Check for proper grounding of transmitter. If TRANSMIS-SION OIL PRESSURE indicator shows a maximum reading,use a jumper to ground wire 321 at transmitter. If indicatorshows a minimum reading, replace transmission oil pressuretransmitter (p 6-12). If indicator fails to show a minimum ormaximum reading, go to step B.NOTETo trace circuit 321, check wiring harnesses12268102 (p 6-64), 12268100 (p 6-68), 12260287(p 6-84) and 12260298 (p 6-89).B Disconnect wire 321 from TRANSMISSION OIL PRESSUREindicator (p 6-21). If indicator shows a maximum reading, usea jumper wire to ground indicator. If indicator shows aminimum reading, repair or replace wire 321 from TRANSMIS-SION OIL PRESSURE indicator to transmission oil pressuretransmitter. If indicator fails to show a minimum or maximumreading, go to step C.TA310501
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